
What to Expect During Free Case Consultation

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At Greg Peacock Law, we understand that most people have never been involved in a police misconduct incident and it can be an overwhelming experience to navigate. For many of our clients, pursuing a lawsuit against the police can be confusing and intimidating. That is why we offer free consultations to police misconduct victims and their families.

The initial consultation is an opportunity for you to get a feel of what type of attorney you want to work with and represent you in your lawsuit. These are two-way conversations. You share the details of what happened to you and Attorney Greg Peacock asks you questions to learn more about your issue in order to get a proper assessment and provide you with options on next steps.

Almost all law firms provide case consultations. We have outlined what you can expect below during your initial case consultation with Greg Peacock Law.


We Are Here to Listen

Here is your opportunity to share what happened to you. We will listen carefully so that we fully understand your case and the circumstances. Greg will answer your questions and explain your rights in a way that makes them clear and easy to understand. It is important to come prepared to the consultation by gathering all relevant information. This includes any paperwork, documents or your notes that detail what happened. In addition to listening to your story, we will explore the facts of your case. Generally, we will want to learn the following about your case:

  • Where and when the incident occured
  • What the circumstances where leading up to the incident
  • What medical treatment you have sought for any injuries as a result of police misconduct
  • Any other important details about the incident

The more information you can provide, the better we can assess your case to determine next steps.


We know that meeting with a lawyer may be intimidating, and our goal is to put you at ease. We encourage you to be open and candid about the facts of your case. Do not worry about how this information may harm you or cause judgement. Attorneys are professionally obligated to not disclose details from a consultation. At Greg Peacock Law we take that obligation seriously. Any information discussed in your consultation is considered confidential under Attorney-Client Privilege. There are limited circumstances where attorney’s can divulge details on your conversation.

Learn More About Us

You should take time prior to your consultation to think about what you want to discuss and the goals you have while pursuing your lawsuit. We find that it is helpful to write down your questions in advance. You should also bring a pen and paper with you so that you can take notes. Deciding on who you want to represent you is an important first step in your legal journey. The consultation is your opportunity to gather more information about the law firm and attorney so you feel comfortable moving forward.

We are happy to answer any questions you have about our law firm, our case results, and the types of cases we have handled. Greg Peacock Law is 100% focused on civil litigation for clients that are victims of police misconduct. You can feel confident that Attorney Greg Peacock has the knowledge and ability to take on corrupt police officers and departments.

Next Steps

At the end of the consultation, we will offer our thoughts on next steps you should take pertaining to your case. If we don’t feel we can properly represent you, we will do our best to refer you to a different attorney.

If we feel your case meets the necessary requirements to pursue a lawsuit and you choose to hire Greg Peacock Law to represent you, we will provide you with a contract to establish the attorney-client relationship so that we may begin working on your case.

Schedule a Free Consultation Today

Ready to make the first steps in your legal journey? If you or a family member’s rights were violated or have been harmed by a police officer, contact Greg Peacock Law today for your free case consultation. Attorney Greg Peacock has dedicated his career to fighting corrupt police departments and bringing justice to those who have been harmed.

Click HERE to complete our form to request a free consultation or call (949) 292-7478. We are committed to scheduling all consultations within 24 hours of receiving the request form.

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