Case Results

Delivering Positive Outcomes for Victims of Police Misconduct

Greg Peacock Law has fought for and accomplished justice for dozens of clients and their families who have been wronged by police enforcement. 

Below are recent, successful results for cases involving police misconduct, unlawful arrests and fatal officer-involved shootings. 


Client was shot by police officers during dispute.


Unlawful arrest and use of a carotid hold.


Lawsuit for unconstitutional policies related to inmates with mental illness.


Client unlawfully beaten and tasered during arrest. 


Client subjected to excessive force by police officers during arrest.


Client was unlawfully shot while running from police officers. 


Client was beaten by deputies, while handcuffed, for allegedly making rude comments to deputies.


Mother was arrested and injured by deputies in front of her young children for “delaying an investigation” as a result of her refusal to answer her front door for deptuies.


Family of an unarmed mentally ill man who was shot and killed by police after an officer erroneously claimed the victim attempted to grab his gun. 

All cases are unique. No results are guaranteed. Cases listed are all examples of settlements that Greg Peacock Law has recently obtained.